Marcela Sulak was born and raised on a rice farm in South Texas. She received a BA in Psychology and Honors English from The University of Texas at Austin, an MFA and an MA at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, and an MA in Religious Studies from VillaNova University. Her Ph.D. in English is from The University of Texas at Austin with concentrations in Poetry and Poetics, American Literature, and a certificate in European Studies. She is a four-time recipient of the Academy of American Poetry Prize, and has won five FLAS prizes for the study of Czech and Yiddish.
Sulak is the author of the novella in verse, The Fault, the National Jewish Book Award finalist in poetry,City of Sky Papers (2021) , the lyric memoir, Mouth Full of Seeds (2020), as well as Decency ( 2015), Immigrant (2010), all with Black Lawrence Press, and the chapbook Of All The Things That Don't Exist, I Love You Best (Finishing Line Press). Her essays appear in Iowa Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Rattle, and other places. Sulak translates from Spanish, French, Czech, German, Yiddish and Hebrew., and her work has been recognized by the NEA and PEN.
She is Associate Professor of English at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel, where she directs the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing and teaches American Literature, Poetry, Creative Writing and Translation, lyric essay, and hybrid literatures. Her workshop in Hybrid literature (English 451) inspired the anthology she co-edited with Jacqueline Kolosov, Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, was published in 2015 with Rose Metal Press. Marcela is an editor at The Ilanot Review, and she hosts the podcast Israel in Translation at TLV.1.
You can hear or see her read
July 14, 2024 (Zoom) with Maya Arad and Mimi Zieman. Click here to register.
July 23, 2024 7 pm (Philadelphia). Write me for details
July 25 7 pm (Washington, DC) Write me for details
July 28 5-7 pm (New York) P & T Knitwear with The Wordshed
July 6 6 pm (El Campo, TX) El Campo Country Club. Write me for details
July 8 6 pm (San Antonio, TX) The Twig Book Shop
July 11 6 pm (Austin, TX) Alienated Majesty Books
July 14 6:30 pm (Houston, TX) Basket Books
Sulak is the author of the novella in verse, The Fault, the National Jewish Book Award finalist in poetry,City of Sky Papers (2021) , the lyric memoir, Mouth Full of Seeds (2020), as well as Decency ( 2015), Immigrant (2010), all with Black Lawrence Press, and the chapbook Of All The Things That Don't Exist, I Love You Best (Finishing Line Press). Her essays appear in Iowa Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Rattle, and other places. Sulak translates from Spanish, French, Czech, German, Yiddish and Hebrew., and her work has been recognized by the NEA and PEN.
She is Associate Professor of English at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel, where she directs the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing and teaches American Literature, Poetry, Creative Writing and Translation, lyric essay, and hybrid literatures. Her workshop in Hybrid literature (English 451) inspired the anthology she co-edited with Jacqueline Kolosov, Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, was published in 2015 with Rose Metal Press. Marcela is an editor at The Ilanot Review, and she hosts the podcast Israel in Translation at TLV.1.
You can hear or see her read
July 14, 2024 (Zoom) with Maya Arad and Mimi Zieman. Click here to register.
July 23, 2024 7 pm (Philadelphia). Write me for details
July 25 7 pm (Washington, DC) Write me for details
July 28 5-7 pm (New York) P & T Knitwear with The Wordshed
July 6 6 pm (El Campo, TX) El Campo Country Club. Write me for details
July 8 6 pm (San Antonio, TX) The Twig Book Shop
July 11 6 pm (Austin, TX) Alienated Majesty Books
July 14 6:30 pm (Houston, TX) Basket Books